Implementing Trailed-Based Economic Development Programs: A Handbook For Iowa Communities
From Sustainable Trails Toolbox
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Abstract or Summary
This guide provides seven steps communities can use to capitalize on the economic development opportunities a new recreation trail can bring to a community. It provides several case studies of communities that have successfully incorporated trails into their economic development, including Lanesboro, MN, which following the opening of the Root River State Trail, saw the number of B&Bs go from one to ten along with the establishment of enough restaurants and activities to support a tourist economy.
Check out this resource if you
- want to learn how communities can use trails to improve their economy.
- want to further develop existing trails.
- want to better your community's recreation activities.
Bibliographical Data
- Author: Iowa Department of Transportation
- Title: Implementing Trailed-Based Economic Development Programs: A Handbook For Iowa Communities
- Year: Unknown
- Publisher: Iowa Department of Transportation