Materialien «Qualitätsziele Wanderwege Schweiz» (Quality Objectives Hiking Trails Switzerland - Materials) (Zaugg E. et al., 2007)

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Abstract or Summary

Foreword. Quality is more than just a buzzword. Quality is the decisive factor that determines the success of a product or service. Since the 1970s, quality orientation has become increasingly important in companies and, since the 1990s, has also been a central issue in the tourism and transport sectors. tourism and transportation.

According to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), quality is "the totality of characteristics of a product or service that relates to its suitability for meeting specified or assumed requirements." In short: quality is when the expectations of the customer are fulfilled.

The Swiss hiking trail network enjoys a good reputation beyond the country's borders. a good reputation. It is a mainstay of summer tourism in Switzerland and encourages the population to and encourages the population to take more exercise. In addition, it it makes a contribution to the promotion of non-motorized traffic and thus supports efforts towards sustainable, gentle leisure activities.

The hiking trail network in Switzerland can fulfill its tourism, transport and health functions in the following ways The network of hiking trails in Switzerland can only fulfill its tourism, transport and health policy functions in the long term if it is continuously developed and geared to the and hikers. The "Quality Objectives for Swiss Hiking Trails present the central demands that are made on a hiking trail network from today's point of view. hiking trail network from today's point of view.

With your work in planning, construction, signposting and marketing of hiking trails, you, dear people responsible for hiking trails, contribute significantly to the high quality of our hiking trail network!

Federal Roads Office ASTRA

Swiss Hiking Trails

(translated by DeepL Translator)


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Bibliographical Data

  • Authors and Editors: Evelyne Zaugg, Christian Hadorn, Schweizer Wanderwege, Bern and Gabriele Gsponer, ASTRA, Bern.
  • Title (original): Materialien «Qualitätsziele Wanderwege Schweiz»
  • Title (in English): Quality Objectives Hiking Trails Switzerland - Materials
  • Year: 2007
  • Publisher: ASTRA, Schweizer Wanderwege

English Transcript

Partial translation using DeepL Translator.‏‎