„Neues Wandern“ Publizistische Impulse zur Wiederbelebung eines fast vergessenen Volksports ("New Hiking" Journalistic impulses for the revival of an almost forgotten popular sport) (Brämer R., 2018)

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Abstract or Summary

It's almost impossible to imagine them anymore: the first years after the Second World War. The megalomania of master manhood was bombed to rubble and ashes. Nothing remained of the uniformed chest of Prussianism. One had lost once and for all and, hidden into the ruins of the cities and the forlornness of the country, was exposed to the anger of the victors and their pity. Even the most stubborn Greater German had nothing substantial to counter this. What remained was an outer and inner emptiness, a veritable zero hour without light at the end of the tunnel. (First paragraph of Introduction, translated by Microsoft Translator)


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Bibliographical Data

  • Author and Editor: Rainer Brämer
  • Title (original): „Neues Wandern“ Publizistische Impulse zur Wiederbelebung eines fast vergessenen Volksports
  • Title in English: "New Hiking" Journalistic impulses for the revival of an almost forgotten popular sport
  • Year: 2018
  • Publisher: wanderforschung.de

English Transcript

Partial translation using Microsoft Translator.


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