Wandermotive im Zeitenwandel Jüngere Studien kommen zu unterschiedlichen Trends (Migration Motives in Changing Times Recent studies come to different trends) (Brämer R., 2014)

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Type of Publication

Research Report



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Abstract or Summary

Where is the trend heading?

Four years later, the "Basic Study of the Leisure and Vacation Market for Hiking" conducted by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology in 2010 has been followed by a new study: the "Hiking Study - The German Hiking Market 2014. This time, "Projekt M", a management consultancy for the tourism and leisure industry, is responsible. In view of its significantly more limited scope, the new market study focuses more on hiking tourism topics in the narrower sense. The possibility of comparison with findings from the previous study is only used in a few cases - for example, in the case of hiking demand and hiking motives.

The study unearths remarkable results on both topics. Recently, for example, more than two-thirds "and thus the overwhelming majority of the German-speaking population can be described as active hikers again, similar to the peak of the "hiking boom" of the 00s, which was (only) reflected in the Allensbach statistics. ...This change is particularly in favor of those who hike rather infrequently, as this proportion has increased by 17 percentage points, ...while fewer regular hikers are on the move across all classes compared to 2010." (p. 10f) However, this peculiarly ambivalent surge in popularity of continuous walking is (once again) a singular result that finds no parallels in other major market studies. (first two paragraphs of the introduction, translated by DeepL Translator)


Check out this resource if you

  • want to know what motivates hikers for trails.

Bibliographical Data

  • Author and Editor: Rainer Brämer
  • Title (original): Wandermotive im Zeitenwandel Jüngere Studien kommen zu unterschiedlichen Trends
  • Title in English: Migration Motives in Changing Times Recent studies come to different trends
  • Year: 2014
  • Publisher: wanderforschung.de

English Transcript

Partial translation using DeepL Translator.