Landschaftsästhetik elementar - Worauf Wanderer wieviel Wert legen (Landscape aesthetics elementary - What hikers value how much) (Brämer R., 2013)
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Abstract or Summary
Nature before culture, forest before national park. When we talk about nature, we first think of landscape elements such as forests and meadows, bodies of water and mountains after the evidence of spontaneous association tests. And when we go “into nature”, we mean nothing more than an excursion into natural landscapes. Obviously, our personal experience of nature is largely shaped by landscape formations. (First paragraph of Introduction, translated by Google Translate)
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Bibliographical Data
- Author and Editor: Rainer Brämer
- Title (original): Landschaftsästhetik elementar - Worauf Wanderer wieviel Wert legen
- Title in English: Landscape aesthetics elementary - What hikers value how much
- Year: 2013
- Publisher:
English Transcript
Partial translation using Google Translate.