"Ein guter Wanderweg braucht den Mystery-Effekt" ("A good hiking trail needs the mystery effect") (Lohr M. and Brämer R., 2017)
From Sustainable Trails Toolbox
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Abstract or Summary
Hardly anyone knows more about hiking trails than Rainer Brämer. The natural sociologist designs premium routes. Here he explains why we act like our ancestors thousands of years ago when hiking. (Translated by Microsoft Translator)
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Bibliographical Data
- Author and Editor: Matthias Lohr and Rainer Brämer
- Title (original): "Ein guter Wanderweg braucht den Mystery-Effekt"
- Title in English: "A good hiking trail needs the mystery effect"
- Year: 2017
- Publisher: (to be added)
English Transcript
Partial translation using Microsoft Translator.