Handbuch «Wanderwegnetzplanung» (Hiking Trail Network Design/Planning - Handbook) (P. Cattaneo et al., 2014)
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Abstract or Summary
The first hiking trails in Switzerland were created by existing trails for selecting and signaling suitable hiking. Initially these were isolated from each other, but over time they condensed into regional networks. Today, the cantonal hiking trail networks as a whole form a coherent network of over 60,000 kilometers, which covers the entire country. Following the yellow signposts, every resident and holiday guest can reach any hiking destination in any part of the country, practically from the front door. The seamless network and uniform signaling make the Swiss network of hiking trails unique. Hiking is correspondingly popular with the population - a third hikes regularly, and it generates added value in tourism that investment many times over exceeds. (First paragraph of Introduction, translated by Google Translate)
Check out this resource if you
- want to know how to design a trail network
Bibliographical Data
- Authors and Editors: Pietro Cattaneo, Bernard Hinderling, Niklaus Trottmann
- Title (original): Handbuch «Wanderwegnetzplanung»
- Title in English: Hiking Trail Network Design/Planning - Handbook
- Year: 2014
- Publisher: ASTRA, Schweizer Wanderwege
English Transcript
Partial translation using Microsoft Translator.