Instrukcja Znakowania Szlaków Turystycznych (Instruction on the Marking/Signage of Hiking/Tourist Trails) (J. Śledzińska (coord.) et al., 2014)

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Type of Publication




Where to Find?

Abstract or Summary

From the beginning of organized forms of tourism, tourist associations have dealt with marking and conservation of tourist routes. The first tourist routes in Poland were marked by the Tatra Society in 1887, then the marking work was continued by the Polish Tourist and Sightseeing Society, and from 1950 by the Polish Tourist and Sightseeing Society. (First paragraph of Introduction, translated by Google Translate)


Check out this resource if you

  • want to know how to design and implement a proper multi-modal trail marking & signage system.
  • want to have an example of a detailed, complete consistent multi-modal marking&signage system (of Poland), based on distinguishability of trails

Bibliographical Data

  • Authors and Editors: Jolanta Śledzińska (coord.), Andrzej Wielocha (Cover design)
  • Title in English: Instruction on the Marking/Signage of Hiking/Tourist Trails
  • Year: 2014
  • Publisher: PTTK (Polskie Towarzystwo Turystyczno-Krajoznawcze)

English Transcript

Partial translation using Microsoft Translator.