Turista úthálózat és jelzésrendszer (Hiking/Tourist Route Network and Marking System) (A. Molnár (ed.) et al., 2016)

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Abstract or Summary

This guide discusses the network, design principles and symbolism of designated pedestrian tourist routes in Hungary. The separate, further i volumes of the guidealso include practical planning, implementation and maintenance (e.g. signal painting, table system, field qualityinsurance), thus together forming the professional material and base of route selection. The aim of the road marking activity is toensure that the routesdisplayed are easy to use for everyone all over the country, and that the occasional tourist, hiker and visitor is safely aligned. (First paragraph of Introduction, translated by Microsoft Translator)


Check out this resource if you

  • are looking for hiking related materials
  • are looking for goals/aims of hiking trails?
  • want to know What are the elements of trail signage/marking?
  • are looking for an example of a complete hiking trail network marking system? (Hungary)
  • want to know what type of trails we may have in a network and an example of a difficulty rating?
  • are looking for possible principles of network design, maintenance and change management? How trails act as a visitor management tool?

Bibliographical Data

  • Authors and Editors: Dr. Molnár András József (ed.), Ákos Levente, Berki Zoltán, Csetneki Sándor, Firbás Miklós, Malárik Attila, Ocsovai Mária, Oláh Tamás.
  • Title (original): Turista úthálózat és jelzésrendszer
  • Title in English: Hiking/Tourist Route Network and Marking System
  • Year: 2016
  • In: MTSZ Szakmai Füzetek
  • Publisher: Magyar Természetjáró Szövetség (Hungarian Hiking Federation)

English Transcript

Partial translation using Microsoft Translator.