Sustainable Trails Toolbox Users' Guide
General Structure
Each resource (publication - paper, book, manual or other material included in the toolbox) gets a page with a structured description. The description is written in a wiki-style markup language, where different parts of the text can be marked as (sub)titles, or highlighted (bold and/or italic), numbered or bulleted lists, internal or external references (links).
According to our current convention, the title of each page should start with the title of the publication it is referring to, followed by the name of the author and its year of publication in brackets. If the original title is not in English, an English translation of the title should be separately added in brackets between the original title and the author-year pair.
We usually provide a link to the referenced resource only, but it is technically possible to upload a file and link it to the page internally.
Each page can be assigned to one or more categories, based on its topic(s). See more on categories below.
A category itself is also a page and may have a description. A category page is prefixed with Category: in its title. This prefix can be used for searching categories and creating new categories as well. For example, to search for or refer to the category Bridges, you may enter Category:Bridges.
Everything which appears as a red link, means that is a link to a page which does not exist (have not been created) yet. Clicking on a red link opens a form for contributors to create the missing page (including categories).
Category Tree
Categories are organized into a tree-like structure, whith parent-child (category-subcategory) relationships. Each category is linked to its parent category. For example, the child Category:Blazing has Category:Trail Marking as its parent, and this relationship must have been defined in the subcategory Category:Blazing.
Some categories may have multiple parents, therefore, categories form actually a directed acyclic graph, not a classical tree.
Furthermore, categories may be linked to others if they are found to be related by contributors, to help visitors browse among related content. This liking is different than assigning a parent category.
The general root category is Category:All, which has the main general dimensions of our categorization as direct children, such as scale, environment character, sustainability pillar. Categories can be nested in an arbitrary level.
It is advised to assign the most specific category or categories to each page, related to its content.
Searching for Content
One or more words can be entered into the search box and hitting enter will list the pages in which the typed words can be found. The search looks in page titles primarily, and in the full text of page contents, secondarily. By default, only the pages (corresponding to publications) are searched for their content.
To search not only in pages, but in categories as well, click on Everything in the search page. This will include all content, including the categories too.
To search for categories, or pages belonging to a category, you add Category: as a prefix to the category name. It will retrieve the category page, if exists, the pages and direct subcategories belonging to that category. If pages assigned to its subcategories are to be listed, or subcategories of subcategories, then these can be listed for each subcategory separately, by opening the corresponding subcategory page.
Browsing and Listing Content
Creating a New Page
Creating a Category
Editing Content
Wiki markup explanation for formatting text and creating references