Physical and Digital Information Systems for Hiking Trails: Towards a Systematic Conceptualization and Survey (Molnár A., 2021)

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Type of Publication

Academic Article



Where to Find?

Abstract or Summary

Abstract. Recreational and touristic trails form an important infrastructure for outdoor activities, and therefore, their study is highly relevant for recreational geography. Despite the prestigious culture of trails and the recent achievements in their digitalization, we do not know about a systematic survey regarding the features of different tools and assets. Mutual understanding on a global level is hampered by a lack of conceptual and terminological clarification of the complex phenomena of trails and their networks, signage and marking systems in different parts of the world. By observing and analysing trail networks and their signage systems of various regions, as well as current typical digital platforms available for trails, we may identify universal key concepts and aspects of both the physical and digital information systems of trails. This study identifies key notions and aspects based on some typical examples and can be a starting point or initiate discussion towards a unified conceptualization of trail systems in the field of recreational geography worldwide, and utilize that framework in the future for studying and developing trail systems and their digital tools and platforms in a more coherent and integrated way.


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Bibliographical Data

  • Author: András J. Molnár
  • Title: Physical and Digital Information Systems for Hiking Trails: Towards a Systematic Conceptualization and Survey
  • Year: 2021
  • Pages: 1-4
  • Publisher: Institute for Computer Science and Control (Számítástechnikai és Automatizálási Kutatóintézet) SZTAKI


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