The Effectiveness of Trail Mitigation and Theory-Grounded Signage in an Economical Approach to Reducing Social Trail Behaviors , (Taylor Riske, 2018)

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ype of Publication Declaration

Language English

Where to Find? (shared directly by a TT member)

Abstract or Summary Under the auspices of the European Ramblers’ Association (ERA), delegates of 24 walking and path marking organisations from 17 European countries met at Bechyně in the Czech Republic from 28 April to 2 May 2004 for the first European conference on the marking of walking routes. A delegate from the Israel Trails Committee also attended this conference as an observer. Among its total membership, the ERA represents more than 5 million walkers. (first paragraph of the document).

Relevance (to be added)

Bibliographical Data Authors: (to be added) Title: Bechyně Declaration on the Marking of Walking Routes in Europe Year: 2004 Publisher: the European Ramblers’ Association (ERA)