Tyrol Declaration (UIAA, 2002)
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Abstract or Summary
All over the world, millions of people practice mountaineering, hiking, trekking and rock climbing. In many countries mountain sports have become a significant factor of everyday life.
Hardly any other activity encompasses such a broad motivational spectrum as does mountain sports. It gives people the opportunity to realize personal goals and pursue meaningful lifelong activity. Motives for being active in the mountains and on the rocks range from health benefits, pleasure of movement, contact with nature and social incentives, to the thrill of exploration and adventure.
The Tyrol Declaration on Best Practice in Mountain Sports passed by the conference on the Future of Mountain Sports in Innsbruck on September 8, 2002, contains a set of values and maxims to provide guidance on best practice in mountain sports. (first three paragraphs of the introduction).
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Bibliographical Data
- Authors: (to be added)
- Title: Tyrol Declaration
- Year: 2002
- Journal: The Future of Mountain Sports Conference
- Publisher: International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation (Union Internationale des Associations d'Alpinisme - UIAA)
(Categories to be added)