Jelzett gyalogos turisztikai útvonalhálózatok látogatóközpontú jellemzése (Visitor-centered characterization of waymarked walking trails for tourism) (Molnár A., 2021)
From Sustainable Trails Toolbox
Type of Publication
Scientific research
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Abstract or Summary
Visitor-centered characterization of waymarked walking trails for tourism – A comparison of international trail classification and accreditation systems and the examination of their possible application in Hungary based on case studies in the Danube Bend area.
Introduction 'Trails matter. They connect us. They move us. They shape us through shared experiences in the outdoors, and in turn we shape and impact trails. They make the world a better place.' (World Trails Network motto).
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Bibliographical Data
- Author: Dr. Molnár András József (ed.), Bódis Gábor (supervisor)
- Title (original): Jelzett gyalogos turisztikai útvonalhálózatok látogatóközpontú jellemzése
- Title in English: Visitor-centered characterization of waymarked walking trails for tourism
- Year: 2021
- Publisher: Corvinus University of Budapest (to be confirmed)
English Transcript
Partial translation by the author.
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