Navigation by Questions & Answers
From Sustainable Trails Toolbox
Environmental Aspect
- Do I have a trail?
- Yes, and I need to...
- monitor its conditions (Category:Trail Monitoring)
- promote it (Category:Inviting People)
- close it (Category:Trail Closure)
- improve it
- to physically improve it... (see #Physical Trail Improvement)
- to improve a specific aspect / usage of it
- to attract more tourists in a responsible way
- to reduce mass tourism and transition to responsible tourism
- to maintain the number of tourists but transiting to responsible practices
- to strengthen engagement with local communities
- to promote / brand it
- use it for environmental education
- No, but I am planning to...
- build a brand new trail
- restore a historical path
- protect the trail / its local enviromnent...
- Yes, and I need to...
Physical Trail Improvement
- ...